The Iridium 9505A Fluctuating Signal Effect, Please Try Later Error, and why this is not good

NorthernAxcess iridium 9595A Satellite Phone
In the Tech world of Satellite Phone Repair for the Iridium 9505A satellite phone model, the 'Please try Later', error message is usually the result of what is known as the "Fluctuating Signal Effect". You can probably imagine what it means, but basically the 9505A has a certain signaling processor inside of it that when it goes through extreme heat, cold, a hard hit, bump, or drop, or just simply age itself, this signaling processor can get out of alignment so to speak, due to certain inward parts of the processor. So when the signaling processor becomes 'out of alignment', it starts performing in a way that when you turn the phone on outside, it will register with the iridium network quite quickly, and everything seems great with 3-5 bars of signal, but then once you start a call, then the signal will immediately start bouncing from 4 down to 2 bars, and back up to 4, then 3 bars, until it just drops to zero (0) and then the call stops and the phone gives the error message "Please Try Later". This error message of "Please Try Later" combined with the 'Fluctuating Signal' on the iridium 9505A satellite phones is basically a sign that the satphone is deteriorating in a way that the phone is coming close, or already at the stage of needing to be replaced.
 Once this starts happening to the phone, generally the entire PCI Board (Main Board) needs replacement. (this is a good reason not to buy 9505A's off of eBay, especially when they say they're not tested, or that they turn on, but haven't placed a call. Allot of ones on eBay know they don't work, and say things to get it sold, and sell it as is by saying that it has minor scratches and so be weary of that model on ebay).
 Iridium years ago, actually had a device that supposedly put the signaling processor back in to alignment, and would charge their providers a large $200-$250 to perform the task, and they would warn you right at the beginning that it was a 50/50 chance of fixing the issue. From experience of being a satellite equipment repair technician, I can say that it was something I tried, by sending in quite a few many years back, and not one of them actually were fixed of the problem, but instead they recommended to replace the main board...after performing the other task first that is.
 Basically iridium took over manufacturing of the satellite phones, instead of Motorola right at the 9505, so rightfully so they called it the iridium 9505A. This phone has been, and still is the backbone of military satellite phone usage, government, corporate, and private use, which is still why it's manufactured as a USA made edition, and military still use it for classified type missions for encrypted calls, which requires a device that encrypts the call thats sold only by a DOD (Department Of Defense) contractor. So the iridium 9505A model satellite phone is unquestionably one of the more rugged, and efficient satellite phones out there!, just be cautious of this error, and calling effect.
If your buying from eBay, make sure they have tested it themselves recently, or ask them to take it in to a satellite communications store to have tested as to if its able to place a call, at least by the 2nd try.
So whenever I see one of the Iridium 9505A's that repeatedly show these signs, and error messages, it's something that I usually right away recommend a replacement board. 
 If there is anything you might have any questions on, or if you have a 9505A that you think is doing this, then feel free to send it in to us, by going here at NorthernAxcess Satellite Phone Repairs and reviewing some of the steps to sending in a satellite phone in need of service or repair. You can download the service adn repair form that needs to be filled out and sent in with the phone here at Satellite Phone Service and Repair RMA Form

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